For Rug Shoppers

There are many different rugs out in the market today. Hand made and machine made. Natural fiber and synthetic fiber. Woven and tufted. New and old.
The one thing they have in common is NO INSTRUCTION MANUAL.
What do you do when you spill on them? Is it okay to vacuum them? Why is your rug shedding, or why does it smell, or will it discolor your floor?
These are the questions tackled on this site. Though the education here is primarily meant for professional textile cleaners, there is a lot of valuable education here for those who own rugs and want to take care or them, or people who want to buy rugs and are not sure what is best for their home.
On our blog page there is a category for top topics for those buying rugs in order to help them make the best purchase for their home, and also a list of topics for rug owners to properly care for their rugs.
If you have technical questions for Lisa, or need to find a trained professional rug cleaner for your rugs in your city, visit the Contact Lisa.
If you need a rug cleaner in your area, professional cleaners who I know personally (either as peers I’ve collaborated with over the years, or as specialists I have trained in my Textile Pro courses) can be found listed at the rug cleaner directory site
© 2008-2019, Lisa Wagner CRS and, all rights reserved
This is a rug care educational resource site for professional cleaners and rug owners/enthusiasts. You are more than welcome to share posts, and use short excerpts, as long as credit is CLEARLY given and linked back to me as the author/creator. To republish or repost larger excepts or full articles, please contact my team for permission so that you are not violating my copyright works. I am always happy to share education – just don’t steal it and pretend it’s your work. That is very uncool. My team’s email for all requests is Thank you.