Rug cleaning can be scary if you do not know what you are doing. The rug can bleed, buckle, brown, or fall apart if you make the wrong choices of solutions, equipment, or methods.
This website is the #1 resource for rug care knowledge in the professional cleaning industry.

There are many different rugs out in the market today. The one thing they have in common is NO INSTRUCTION MANUAL.
If you have questions about your rug, have a rug problem, or need a professional rug cleaner.
Not sure what rug to buy for your home? Not sure if you are getting a great deal, or getting scammed? You are not alone.
Read through our articles to get tips on what to look for when buying a new rug, and what are today’s Rugs To Run From.
Rug Chick Reader Favorites
Rug Chick Reader Favorites – Some of the most read and shared rug posts by Lisa.
How do I vacuum my wool rug?
One of the most frequent questions I am asked is “Is it safe to vacuum my rug?” The answer is: It...
Buying rugs. (Tips for the nervous rug shopper.)
Rug dealers as a “group” get a bad rap. Everyone has heard a story, or seen an exposé, on someone...
Rugs That Stink.
When rugs come in our shop that are gosh-awful smelly, the usual suspects are: PETS, FLOODS, BAD...