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Braided Rugs – What To Watch For

Braided Rugs – What To Watch For

Braided Rugs – What To Watch For I’ve seen braided rugs come in all colors, sizes, and ages. New product from stores like Pier One, and some from the 1930’s with a story from the owner about how their neighborhood tore clothing into strips to create a community rug...
Tea and Rugs – A Good Mix?

Tea and Rugs – A Good Mix?

Tea and Rugs – A Good Mix? There’s a rug phenomenum out there called “tea-washed.” It’s not really TEA – but a brown over-dye that is applied to a rug after it’s woven in order to do several things: make it look older, mute the colors to give it a softer look, and...
Tip of the Rug Spill Iceberg…

Tip of the Rug Spill Iceberg…

Tip of the Rug Spill Iceberg… Most woven rugs have wool knots tied around COTTON fibers for its construction. Cotton allows for a more consistent shape and construction as foundation threads (warps and wefts). Take a look at any hand woven rug, and you can grab one...
Smokin’ Hot Rug…

Smokin’ Hot Rug…

Smokin’ Hot Rug… Don’t know if you know this, but wool does not carry a flame. It is naturally fire resistant. This does not mean that a super hot fire cannot engulf a wool textile, but an isolated flame will self-extinguish. This is good to know when you are choosing...
This Rug Stinks.

This Rug Stinks.

This Rug Stinks. I am not the biggest fan of TUFTED rugs. Simply because I appreciate the art of a woven rug crafted by hand,versus the mass-market production of tufts of wool held together by latex and covered up on the back with material. It’s cheaper to buy a...