For Rug Cleaners

Rug cleaning can be scary if you do not know what you are doing. The rug can bleed, buckle, brown, or fall apart if you make the wrong choices of solutions, equipment, or methods.
This website is the #1 resource for rug care knowledge in the professional cleaning industry. Bookmark the site and opt-in to the “stay connected” box so that you get alerts when new content is posted.
If you are looking for some quick answers to today’s top rug cleaning problems, the blog link in the main menu has the top topics from the Rug Chick blog.
If you are looking for on‐line or hands‐on rug care training, visit the Rug Cleaners Training.
If you want to contact Lisa regarding technical consulting, expert witness services, or training, visit the Contact Lisa
© 2008-2019, Lisa Wagner CRS and, all rights reserved
This is a rug care educational resource site for professional cleaners and rug owners/enthusiasts. You are more than welcome to share posts, and use short excerpts, as long as credit is CLEARLY given and linked back to me as the author/creator. To republish or repost larger excepts or full articles, please contact my team for permission so that you are not violating my copyright works. I am always happy to share education – just don’t steal it and pretend it’s your work. That is very uncool. My team’s email for all requests is Thank you.