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Genje Rug

Genje Rug

I thought we could all use some happy, hopeful energy from a beautiful rug today. This is an antique rug from the Caucasus Mountains region, noted as a Genje. Gorgeous natural dyes, soft wool, and a design full of lovely botehs. Botehs are full of life. To me they...
Genje Rug

Persian Tribal Rug

Happiness is an antique tribal rug walking through our door at Blatchford’s. This is a Persian tribal rug, woven by Kurdish weavers. I love the strong rich natural dyes in this piece. The background brown has oxidized, which makes it lower in height than the rest of...
Armenian Kazak

Armenian Kazak

Here is an antique rug that came by to share its woven beauty with us at Blatchford’s. This is an Armenian Kazak, woven in the Caucasus Mountains region in the late 1800s. I love the work of Armenian weavers. Their rugs are so full of life and energy. This will be the...